Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Post-Op 4

YAY....Finally not a painful visit! Went in and he said everything is looking great and healing properly! So glad I can finally say it is all over, and SO very worth it :) I will be going back on my 3, 6 and 12 month check ups, but there will be nothing to those!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Day 16

Crazy how much it changed in 1 week

I love how Kitty is laying on the floor behind me waiting to play :)

Post-op #3....worst one to date!!! Swelling was causing the bone to be a little off center, so he squeezed it until I felt like it broke again! I was thinking it was healing really fast and pretty much was what it was going to look like, but he said there is still a lot of swelling and will continue to change more! I will update again after post-op 4 next Friday! Pray for no bone breaking please!!
On a better note I love my new nose and am finally used to seeing it in the mirror lol :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 15

For the past 2 nights I have finally been able to sleep through the night!! So happy about that! And I can finally fully smile! I will be uploading new pictures tomorrow afternoon after my 3rd post-op appointment :) It is looking so good!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 8

Yay!!! It is finally off!! So excited....it is still very swollen can barely feel it when I touch it, so I will up date again after 1 month when all of the swelling has gone down to see the final result!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 7

Did not sleep at all last night....laughed too hard at Tosh.0 last night and my nose hurt the rest of the night!!  So ready to get everything taken out tomorrow...I am about to rip these tubes out myself!!
I am excited about getting out tonight; dinner and a movie with my dad, not fun getting stared at but better than being stuck in side all day and night watching TV....been having scary dreams the past couple nights from watching too much Law and Order lol.
Next update will have pictures of my new nose :) Keep in mind that it will only be about 70% complete!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 6

Ok, I am not going to post pictures again until the reveal because I still pretty much look the same today as yesterday. I still have no pain again today and actually stopped taking the good pain killers and switched to Tylenol. Been a little nauseous on and off all day, but was able to get out for a little while.
Getting very anxious about getting everything off on Thursday and seeing what I will look like now!! Hopefully not too different; just with a smaller nose :)