Friday, August 26, 2011

Day 16

Crazy how much it changed in 1 week

I love how Kitty is laying on the floor behind me waiting to play :)

Post-op #3....worst one to date!!! Swelling was causing the bone to be a little off center, so he squeezed it until I felt like it broke again! I was thinking it was healing really fast and pretty much was what it was going to look like, but he said there is still a lot of swelling and will continue to change more! I will update again after post-op 4 next Friday! Pray for no bone breaking please!!
On a better note I love my new nose and am finally used to seeing it in the mirror lol :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 15

For the past 2 nights I have finally been able to sleep through the night!! So happy about that! And I can finally fully smile! I will be uploading new pictures tomorrow afternoon after my 3rd post-op appointment :) It is looking so good!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 8

Yay!!! It is finally off!! So is still very swollen can barely feel it when I touch it, so I will up date again after 1 month when all of the swelling has gone down to see the final result!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 7

Did not sleep at all last night....laughed too hard at Tosh.0 last night and my nose hurt the rest of the night!!  So ready to get everything taken out tomorrow...I am about to rip these tubes out myself!!
I am excited about getting out tonight; dinner and a movie with my dad, not fun getting stared at but better than being stuck in side all day and night watching TV....been having scary dreams the past couple nights from watching too much Law and Order lol.
Next update will have pictures of my new nose :) Keep in mind that it will only be about 70% complete!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 6

Ok, I am not going to post pictures again until the reveal because I still pretty much look the same today as yesterday. I still have no pain again today and actually stopped taking the good pain killers and switched to Tylenol. Been a little nauseous on and off all day, but was able to get out for a little while.
Getting very anxious about getting everything off on Thursday and seeing what I will look like now!! Hopefully not too different; just with a smaller nose :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 5

First post-op appointment was today...woke up still no pain, but not feeling very good to my stomach, and had a little more bruising under one eye. The appointment went well the doctor said I have a lot less bruising and swelling than most people have. They did not take the tubes out like I had hoped but they did take some stitches out...not fun at all!! Other than that everything is about the same and I will have everything off in just a few days :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 4

Finally have clean hair...looking a little more alive today!!
Still can't smile and a little swollen but getting better.

Day 4 woke up feeling better than the previous mornings and was ready to have my mom attempt to wash my hair....It was not easy since I can not lean backwards or forwards but we got it done and I felt so much better...and looked a little less gross lol. Then My dad got into town so we went to lunch first actual full meal I made it through! Felt a little dizzy again today and then got sick to my stomach so I took a nap and then woke up feeling a little better. Still have swelling on my face in some areas but no nose pain again today I really can't believe how easy recovery has been compared to what I thought it was going to be. I expected to be in so much pain and not able to breathe at all.
Just took pain pills before I started writing all of this so if it does not make since I apologize! I am getting very excited about my first post-op appointment tomorrow...don't remember what I am having done, but really hoping I will be getting the tubes out of my nose and the stitches taken out!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 3

Black eyes started

Don't mind the beautiful unwashed hair haha

First a funny/sad movie where I could show no emotion!!

Day 3 woke up feeling good and really wanting to get out of the house so my mom and I decided to go see The Help....of course when we got there the next 2 features were sold out, so thinking I would be ok we got tickets to the next available show and were just going to kill sometime before then....we went shopping for a little bit and I got very dizzy and light headed so I sat down for a while until I felt ok to walk again. After that we got a little something to eat and headed to the movies...once we got there we realized I was going to miss when I was supposed to take my pain pills, but I still didn't have any pain...The movie was great...but since it felt like I just got Botox I could not laugh or cry the entire time without it hurting, so it was a very hard movie to get through. As soon as I got home I took my pain pills and was out for the entire night. Still in no pain the only problem I have had at all were just with breathing and nothing too unbearable.

Day 2

Pretty Flowers and a movie from the Bestie :)

Spa Day Haaaaaa...

Day 2 I was still not in any pain, but was not able to breathe through my nose anymore because of the swelling. Audrey came over to visit and I was able to stay awake through an entire movie...Got a little light headed soon after and went back to sleep for a while. Bruising started around my eyes so we had ice pads on them on and off all day. Night 2 was a little harder to get through not because of the pain just could not get comfortable sleeping on my back since I usually sleep on my stomach, but woke up feeling fine in the morning.

The Big Day

Signing my life away.....

First casualty of the day lol

Ready to get going

Haha I loved the socks...which somehow did not leave with me :(

When they gave me my "IV Margarita"


Woke up with this on my eyes...thought I was blind!

Drugged up day 1
1st dinner....mashed potatoes 

It all hit me as soon as we pulled up to the hospital...I knew there was no turning back now!! I could barely sign my name I was so nervous. As soon as I went back they had me put on a hospital gown that was lined in plastic and super hot!! It had a hole in the side to attach a hose to blow up the gown during surgery. After getting settled in my bed the nurse came over to give me my IV and after freaking himself and me out about how small my veins are he finally got it in. As soon as they put the good drugs in there I was out and don't remember a thing until I woke up about an hour and a half after surgery.
Waking up all I remember was not being able to see and being very uncomfortable. I knew I was not ready to go, but as soon as they told my mom I could leave whenever I was ready to go! I was too out of it to even change back into my clothes so the just wheeled me out in my gown.
Then some how I managed to give my mom directions to a smoothie king during naps on the way home. Before I could finish 2 sips I was in the door and on the couch asleep...where I stayed most of the day.
I really didn't have any nose pain the first day my throat just hurt from the breathing tube, and a little swelling on my eyes and cheeks. Slept through night one pretty well.

Friday, August 5, 2011


Ok, it officially feels like I am actually going through with this now. The pre-op went great just went over everything we are going to do, and what I will need to do after it is done. I did find out I will have to have splints put in my nose that I will have to have in for 4 days, and then pulled out while I am fully awake :/...not too excited about that, but I know it will all be worth it in the end! I will have to post the before pictures tonight since I was unable to find my camera adaptor because of the recent move. Ahhh less then a week today!! So ready for it to be done already!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Starting to really panic!!

Ok, so surgery is officially next week and I am totally freaking out. I have been talking about this for over 10 years now and cannot believe it is finally happening, but I am super excited for the end result! I will hopefully be able to blog everyday for the first week and a half, and then I will do my 1 month update; at which time it is supposed to be 90% of the end result. I will do my first post on Thursday, August 4th. This is my pre-op appointment and I will let you know how it went and post my before picture. The next post will be the night before surgery and then I will have someone post a picture right after surgery, and update everyday from there.