Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 4

Finally have clean hair...looking a little more alive today!!
Still can't smile and a little swollen but getting better.

Day 4 woke up feeling better than the previous mornings and was ready to have my mom attempt to wash my hair....It was not easy since I can not lean backwards or forwards but we got it done and I felt so much better...and looked a little less gross lol. Then My dad got into town so we went to lunch first actual full meal I made it through! Felt a little dizzy again today and then got sick to my stomach so I took a nap and then woke up feeling a little better. Still have swelling on my face in some areas but no nose pain again today I really can't believe how easy recovery has been compared to what I thought it was going to be. I expected to be in so much pain and not able to breathe at all.
Just took pain pills before I started writing all of this so if it does not make since I apologize! I am getting very excited about my first post-op appointment tomorrow...don't remember what I am having done, but really hoping I will be getting the tubes out of my nose and the stitches taken out!!

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